Each year, Club DLM members need to re-enroll to select their benefiting Good Neighbor organization, as this information does not carry over from year-to-year.
Club DLM/Phone Number
Your Selection
Faith Baptist Church Beavercreek [982]
4 Paws for Ability [741]
A Special Wish Foundation, Inc. Dayton Chapter [429]
Adopt A Pit Rescue [898]
Adriel School, Inc. [1004]
Advocates 4 Animals Rescue [785]
AIDS Resource Center Ohio [361]
Aim for the Handicapped [101]
Almost Home Animal Sanctuary [1002]
Alpha Gamma Delta Dayton Alumnae Club [283]
Alter High School [103]
Alzheimer's Association – The Longest Day [1032]
Alzheimer's Association, Miami Valley Chapter [104]
Alzheimer's Association, Warren and Montgomery Counties [970]
American Cancer Society [435]
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 598 [1011]
Artemis Center for Alternatives to Domestic Violence [530]
Ascension Church [704]
Aullwood Audubon Center [265]
Autism Family Alliance Foundation [1007]
Bach Society of Dayton [924]
Beaver Creek Wetlands Association [671]
Believe In Your Heart Foundation [957]
Bellbrook High School - Lacrosse [915]
Bellbrook High School Cheer Parents Club [1026]
Bellbrook Music Boosters [839]
Bellbrook Open Arms Health Clinic [905]
Bellbrook Sugarcreek PTO [819]
Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Community Support Center [938]
Beth Abraham Synagogue [798]
Big Brothers Big Sisters [820]
Bishop Leibold School [108]
Blue Star Families [967]
Boy Scouts of America – Troop 375 [1000]
Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool [649]
Brighton Center Inc. [1030]
Brigid's Path [849]
Building Blocks for Kids [1013]
Caesar's Ford Theatre, Inc [939]
Carroll High School [791]
Center for Spiritual Living Greater Dayton [788]
Centerville Band Boosters, Inc. [732]
Centerville Citizen's Police Academy Alumni, Inc. [844]
Centerville Community Church [950]
Centerville Destination Imagination PSG Inc [1012]
Centerville Girls Basketball [1025]
Centerville High School [111]
Centerville Ladies Lacrosse [857]
Centerville Primary Village North PTO [112]
Centerville Primary Village South PTO [672]
Centerville Science Olympiad [612]
Centerville United Methodist Women [113]
Centerville Women's Civic Club [114]
Chaminade Julienne High School [116]
CHESS Christian School [851]
Chesterton Academy of St. Joseph [977]
Christ Child Society of Dayton [117]
Christ Episcopal Church The Outreach Commission [118]
Christ United Methodist Women [120]
Church of the Cross UMC – God's Grace & Grub Food Pantry [1017]
CinDay Academy [594]
Cline Elementary PTO [1014]
Clothes That Work! [630]
Coffee Collab [994]
Covenant Prebyterian Church [488]
Cox Arboretum Foundation [390]
Crayons to Classrooms [773]
Culture Works [1027]
Dakota Center [800]
Daniel Cooper Chapter DAR [123]
David's United Church of Christ [124]
Daybreak [261]
Dayton Art Institute [236]
Dayton Boat Club [666]
Dayton Christian Middle School [699]
Dayton Christian School- Elementary [129]
Dayton Community Cat Project [1018]
Dayton Council on World Affairs [922]
Dayton Diaper Depot [1006]
Dayton Literary Peace Prize [748]
Dayton Metro Library Foundation [841]
Dayton Music Club [736]
Dayton Performing Arts Alliance [825]
Dayton Public Radio FM 88.1 and 89.9 [224]
Dayton Raiders Swim Club [966]
Dayton Recovery Project Inc. [1024]
Dayton Right to Life Foundation [130]
Dayton Society of Natural History/Boonshoft Museum of Discovery [954]
Dayton Woman's Club [546]
Diabetes Dayton [840]
Dorothy Lane American Baptist Church [958]
Dr. John Hole School PTO [132]
Driscoll Elementary School [133]
E.D. Smith School [134]
East End Community Services [716]
Elizabeth's New Life Center [372]
Ellie's Rainy Day Fund [946]
Emerge Recovery and Trade Initiative [1015]
Epiphany Lutheran Church Pantry [374]
Epiphany Lutheran Preschool [528]
Fairhaven Church [137]
Fairmont Presbyterian Church [828]
Family Violence Prevention Center [976]
First United Methodist Church-Springboro [815]
Five Rivers MetroParks Foundation [911]
Food 2 Go [985]
Food for the Journey Project [843]
Four Seasons Garden Club [140]
Garden Club of Dayton [141]
Gem City Roller Derby [986]
Girls on the Run of Dayton [853]
Glen Helen Association [651]
Good Neighbor House [142]
Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation - Dayton [855]
Goodwill Easter Sales Miami Valley [909]
Grandview Foundation [568]
Greater Montgomery County Master Gardener Association [903]
Greenmont Elementary PTO [1031]
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Dayton [358]
Hannah's Treasure Chest [496]
Harman PTO [147]
Hillel Academy [150]
Historic South Park, Incorporated [1005]
Holy Angels School [151]
Holy Family Catholic Church [775]
Homefull [418]
HoofPrints [965]
Hospice of Dayton Inc. [286]
Hospice of Miami County, Inc. [959]
House of Bread [432]
Human Race Theater [406]
Humane Association of Warren County [586]
Humane Society of Greater Dayton [222]
Humane Society of Greene County [1021]
Incarnation School [214]
Indian Riffle Elementary PTO [968]
Infinite-e Fund in Dayton Foundation [953]
Involvement Advocacy DBA The Collaboratory [972]
Jane Chance Elementary PTA [993]
John F Kennedy Elementary PTA [154]
Jonathon Dayton Chapter DAR [155]
Junior League of Dayton [389]
Kettering Backpack, Inc [984]
Kettering Children's Choir [225]
Kettering Fairmont High School [300]
La Leche League Dayton [908]
La Leche League of Centerville [503]
League of Women Voters-Greater Dayton Area [159]
Learn to Earn Dayton [998]
Learning Tree Farm [480]
Levitt Pavilion Dayton [913]
LifeWise Academy [997]
Lions Eye Bank of West Central Ohio [992]
Little Acorn Academy – St. Paul's Church [933]
LOVELikeJJ [1016]
Magnolia Theatre Company [995]
Main Elementary School [955]
Major Taylor Cycling Club of Dayton [971]
Miami Valley Housing Opportunities [945]
Miami Valley Institute of Food & Spirits [689]
Miami Valley School [162]
Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra [703]
Miami Valley Unitarian Fellowship [163]
Miami Valley Women's Center [164]
Miamisburg Band Boosters [647]
MomsHope [1022]
Montessori School of Dayton [166]
Montgomery Co. Sheriff’s Office Police Athletic & Activities League [886]
Mosaic Church [1029]
Muse Machine [223]
National Air and Space Intelligence Association [1010]
Noble Circle Project [746]
Normandy United Methodist Church [168]
Oak Tree Corner, Inc. [440]
Oakwood High School [427]
Oakwood Historical Society [969]
Oakwood Jr./Sr. High PTO [274]
Oakwood United Methodist Church [830]
Oasis House [963]
One Bistro [822]
Opera Guild of Dayton [233]
Oregon Historic District Society [370]
Outdoor Explorer Foundation [1008]
Paw Patrol Dayton [899]
People and Paws of Greater Dayton [1003]
Performance Gymnastics Boosters Corp [890]
Period Kits Ohio [988]
PFLAG Dayton [398]
Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region [189]
Planting Seeds LLC [975]
Preschool Promise [996]
Progressive Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) [531]
Progressive Women's Club Foundation [894]
Rebuilding Together Dayton [867]
River's Edge Montessori School [591]
Roads to Recovery [697]
Robyn's Nest Rescue [696]
Ronald McDonald House Dayton [794]
Scouts BSA Troops 320/5320 [1001]
SICSA [197]
Small Paws Rescue, Inc [551]
South Dayton Figure Skating Club [987]
Southbrook Christian Church [486]
Southminster Presbyterian Church [917]
Springboro Area Historical Society [973]
Springboro Community Assistance Center [907]
Springboro Community Foundation [1020]
Springboro Orchestra Association [981]
Springboro Schools PTO [865]
Springboro Spartans Baseball [964]
Springboro Wind Symphony [991]
St. Albert the Great Church [200]
St. Charles Art Department [201]
St. Francis of Assisi Church [376]
St. George's Episcopal Church [202]
St. James United Methodist Church [491]
St. Joseph Church [770]
St. Mary of the Assumption [978]
St. Patrick's Episcopal Church [961]
St. Vincent de Paul Social Services Inc [378]
Temple Beth Or [215]
Temple Beth Sholom-Middletown, OH [575]
Temple Israel [246]
Tenth Life, The [396]
The ALS Association Central & Southern Ohio Chapter [708]
The Brunner Literacy Center [902]
The Foodbank [735]
The Ladies of Philoptochos of Dayton [960]
The Little Exchange [860]
The Unforgettables of Southern Ohio [887]
The Warren County Historical Society Museum [962]
Therapeutic Riding Institute [407]
Think TV [523]
Twig3 [979]
Unafaa International [1028]
United Way of the Greater Dayton Area [904]
Victory Project [845]
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park [990]
Wags Inn Canine Charities [878]
Warriors for Wellness [1019]
Washington-Centerville Public Library [548]
Waynesville PTO [983]
We Care Arts [613]
Welcome Home Dayton [926]
Weller Elementary [1009]
Wells of Salvation, Inc dba Faith & Friends Radio [980]
Westminster Presbyterian Women [211]
White Dove Circle of Light and Love [974]
Wildflower Child & Family Center [1023]
Women’s Wellness Fund – Kettering Medical Center Foundation [952]
Wright Memorial Public Library [547]
WYSO 91.3FM Public Radio [371]
YWCA Dayton [951]
Zeta Tau Alpha Dayton Alumnae [249]