Ready, set, CRAWL! Join us for one of the cutest events where babies race against each other for the title Diaper Derby Champ! The stakes are high for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, but all participants receive a gift bag (and those who don’t place are eligible for door prizes, including a set of The Everyday Adventures of Papa & Paws children’s books written and illustrated by DLM’s own graphic designer Nicholas Nawroth and his wife Ellen.)
We encourage two adults for each crawling baby to help facilitate the race, with one positioned at the starting line and one at the finish. The only rule: crawlers only, please. (If your baby is walking, they are no longer eligible.) Who will come out on top? Be sure to register for this fun-filled event early as spots are limited!
Thank you for your interest in the DLM Diaper Derby!
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