A Turkey Fit for Tradition: DLM Free-Range Non-GMO Turkey | Dorothy Lane Market
Dorothy Lane Market

A Turkey Fit for Tradition: DLM Free-Range Non-GMO Turkey

Photo of Mike Chrisman
  • POSTED Oct 31st, 2022
  • BY Mike Chrisman

When I was a child, family always gathered at our house and we would say thanks for another year. Mom would prepare the turkey and dad carved the bird. It wasn’t always pretty, but it was enjoyed by all. Family members coming over would all bring something from their kitchens, resulting in a variety of sides and desserts. The table was filled with more food than we could ever eat, giving us the opportunity to test the theory some say that leftovers are better. 

Today, things have changed some. Mom doesn’t have to do the cooking and I carve the turkey at my house for the family, but the celebration is still the same. One constant is that our turkey is a DLM Free-Range Non-GMO Turkey, locally raised from our friends at Bowman & Landes in New Carlisle, Ohio. 

Every year, an already perfect bird continues to improve, resulting in a free-range turkey that is vegetarian fed and never administered antibiotics or added hormones. Then, a few years ago, Bowman & Landes agreed to raise our flock to Non-GMO Project Verified standards, requiring much dedication for which we are grateful. You can tell the difference in the taste and you can feel good presenting it at your table. 

We first partnered with Bowman & Landes many years ago, and the relationship that we share is truly special. The resulting bird is one that we are proud to put our name on as we still feel after all of these years that it is the best turkey in town. 

turkey farm visit


Founded in 1948 (coincidentally, the same year as DLM), Bowman & Landes is comprised of two families who have ushered the business through multiple generations. We've long admired them, prizing a healthy turkey raised humanely above all else. As Carl Bowman once told us, "a happy turkey is a healthy turkey. ... We translate a healthier turkey to a more flavorful one." We couldn't agree more.  


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