Cedar Ridge Trails Ohio Lavender | Dorothy Lane Market
Dorothy Lane Market

Cedar Ridge Trails Ohio Lavender

Photo of Samantha Ross
  • POSTED Oct 1st, 2021
  • BY Samantha Ross

There’s something special about this fresh cut lavender from Miamisburg, Ohio-based Cedar Ridge Trials. This Ohio lavender is grown on the same land that our founder, my great grandfather, Calvin Mayne, was raised on as a child. In fact, when a mirror was removed from a wall in the house, they discovered writing on the wall that happened to be Calvin’s initials and the date, August 18, 1925.

Cedar Ridge Trails Farm

Want to enjoy a spa-like experience from the comfort of home?


I got the chance to see the farm and the house where my great grandfather was raised. It is filled with history. Growing up, and still, my grandpa, Norman Mayne, would tell me stories about his dad and I got to learn about the kind of person he was. Being able to see his handwriting and the house for myself was an amazing experience. It gave me a whole new appreciation for who he was and the legacy that he has left for his kids, grandchildren, and now even his great grandchildren.

Food Story Slide
Food Story Slide
Food Story Slide
Food Story Slide

Why lavender? I sat down and asked the current Cedar Ridge Trails owner Joy Pascoe why she and her husband decided to grow lavender on the land. “Lavender is fun to work with,” she says, explaining that they are working to create a location that exudes relaxation and where others can “learn and enjoy experiences together on the farm.” While we didn’t get to see the lavender in full bloom, we cut some lavender ourselves. We are happy to share this story and bring you locally grown cut lavender!

Easy Lavender Care Tips
One of the universal appeals of lavender is that it is so easy to take care of. DLM’s Floral & Plant Director Stuart Delk says to simply put it in a dry container and enjoy!


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Feb 9th

Thank you so much for writing this about the lavender. It is such an interesting piece. I started working at DLM in 1967 and have since retired and moved to Texas. I knew your Great grandfather and worked with all of your family at one time or another. I can’t begin to tell you how much love I feel for your family. It gives me great pleasure to see how each member of the family is finding their place in the business. Give my love to all. Eileen Wilson

- Eileen