Run for the Rosés | Dorothy Lane Market
Dorothy Lane Market

Run for the Rosés

Photo of Todd Templin, CSW
  • POSTED May 2nd, 2022
  • BY Todd Templin, CSW

And they're off, and so is our run for the rosés! Not only is the greatest horse race of them all taking place this month, but another spring tradition is the arrival of rosé season! Bringing with it a feeling of renewal, the beloved pink wine is a sure sign that it is time to shed our winter coats, fire up those grills, and ready ourselves for our favorite pink wine! Just as there are horses vying for the top place, I've curated a list of rosé contenders for you to try throughout the rosé season. Although their arrivals will stagger slightly, and some may be here and gone, the list found via the button below is a great way to kick off our run for the rosés with a steady gallop. Each of these springtime wines include "field notes" from me, but we've added additional space so you can also jot down yours. So ready your saddle (and glass) to find your front-runner! 

Run for the Rosés Wine Bottles


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Jun 10th 2022

Where’s my favorite? Whispering Angel? Highly recommended. 10/10

- Dion

Apr 27th 2023

Fabulous. I LOVED this event last year I hope you have t-shirts available for purchase this year. They were sooo sharp!

- Kirsten