Show Your Love With Rosaprima Roses | Dorothy Lane Market
Dorothy Lane Market

Show Your Love With Rosaprima Roses

Photo of Stuart Delk
  • POSTED Jan 29th, 2024
  • BY Stuart Delk

Saying "I love you" this Valentine's Day just got better (and easier, too). We've partnered with Rosaprima, known worldwide for their premium roses and ethical practices. Rosaprima operates a farm just north of Quito, Ecuador, an area ideal in climate and soil for growing the best roses. 

This area is so special because it's located in the Andes Mountains on the equator without much of a seasonal variation in sunshine. The days are warm and the nights are cool, which is ideal for growing roses. The volcanic soil is rich and the abundant water runoff is clean thanks to the volcanic glaciers. Simply put, this is a special region indeed for growing roses. As we approach Valentine's Day, we will have an abundant array of pre-styled bouquets for you to grab and go. For the first time, we also will have a selection of roses available to pre-order online for pick-up, whether you choose a wrapped bouquet or to have it arranged in a vase.


Featuring a dozen Rosaprima roses combined with fresh seasonal foliage and complementary flowers, you can choose to have this lovely assortment in a vase or a pre-styled bouquet.

Love & Roses Dozen


The red rose has been a symbol of love and affection in many cultures for centuries. We love the timeless presentation of a dozen roses, whether you choose wrapped in a bouquet or arranged in a vase. Both come with complementary greenery.

Dozen Roses


Love is in bloom with this bouquet, brimming with half a dozen roses that are arranged with floral accompaniments and mixed foliage. Your recipient is sure to adore! 

Adore & Roses Bouquet

Rose Bouquet Care

1. Place fresh flowers in water as soon as possible. If they'll be out of water for longer than one hour once you leave our store, tell us so we can wrap the stems. 

2. Beware of extreme temperatures. Fresh flowers exposed to extreme temps are doomed. We are happy to wrap properly to make sure the blooms are covered.

3. Fill a clean vase with cold, clean water. Trim stems with a sharp knife or pair of scissors. Remove any foliage in the water. 

4. Find the perfect spot. Place your vase in an area that is away from sunlight, heaters, or drafts. These will cause your flowers to wilt quickly.


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