Rancho Gordo White Corn Posole/Prepared Hominy are the essential nixtamalized grain, prepared in small batches, for hominy stews. New-crop heirloom corn makes this dried hominy even more superior to canned versions. After a gentle simmer, dried hominy opens up like a delicious flower and is ready to use in soups, stews, and the classic southwestern and Mexican dish, pozole (or posole). The corn is prepared by soaking in mineral lime (cal), then removing the skins. This process, called nixtamalization, changes the flavor (for the better) and introduces the vitamin niacin, making this ancient grain healthier and more nutritious than simple corn or cornmeal. We suggest using cooked hominy for pozole, salads, soups, stews, or tossed into a green salad. Leftovers can be pureed for hominy grits.
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These trendy beans have a wait list to join their bean club! Why wait when you can get Rancho Gordo's gorgeous heirloom dried beans right here?
Read full story >>- Shari
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